Event at Bolgheri

25 luglio
festa di San Jacopo
patrono di Bolgheri
sbandieratori e corteo storico
nel borgo! Dalle ore 18:00

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Strada Giulia - 16

Bolgheri 57022 (Li) Tuscany,
P.I. 01635340498
Phone. 331 - 2661699
Phone. 339 - 6630171

Who comes walking in Bolgheri cypress avenue, immortalized by the famous poem "In front of a San Guido" of Giosuè Carducci who lived here from 1838 to 1848, is already in a state of mind ready to accept a vision of incomparable beauty. A well-cultivated country, with the silvery green of olive trees and the dark green of cypress trees and woods that surround it. The country, which is accessed by a single arched doorway, over the years has maintained its original appearance and the feeling is that time has stopped here the passing of the seasons is still marked by the change of colors of the fields and hills extending all around.


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